🤓 The Beta is Well On It's Way!

Soft launch might be sooner than expected...

Happy Friday Polymaths,

What I am Learning

I am (re)digging into sleep science with Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Mathew Walker to finish the Sleep Science Crash Course. You can do a deep dive with Dr. Huberman here:

Community Updates

We have our first Monthly Roundtable tomorrow night at 8PM CST. I hope you can all make it. The time will flex as we find the sweet spot.

You can find the link to the Zoom call in the community or use this one.

Have an ideal time? Let me know in the community or by replying to the email.

Also, the Medium pub is live! Details in this community post.

Valuable Inspiration

I have to give a shout-out to Jeff Olson (AKA GOAT JOAT) for this awesome article.

I will keep the Wave 2 Beta open for a bit longer before I lock it down in preparation for the soft launch. Don’t forget to forward this to someone who would like to be a part of it!

Thank you all for being my inspiration and being a part of the community.

Talk to you soon.

